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Louise Delwiche

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Tel: 02 649 49 20

Preferred subjects

Louise Delwiche is registered on the list of trainees since March 2022. She is currently doing her traineeship at GDD, with Ms Martine GAILLARD and Ms Emmanuelle DELWICHE. 

Her preferred subjects are : 

- Family law 

- Personal and property administration 

- Youth law 

She has a particular interest in gender issues.  

Academic formation

2021-2022 : Interuniversity Master's degree in gender studies. 

2021 : Graduated from a Master's degree in criminology from the Université Libre de Bruxelles.

2020 : Graduated from a Master in civil and criminal law at the Université Libre de Bruxelles.


Louise Delwiche practices mainly in French. She has a passive knowledge of Dutch and English.