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Family law

Family law is a branch of private law which governs the relations of a set of individuals united by a family relationship or a relationship by marriage.

It thus governs a whole series of situations, from marriage to filiation, passing by divorce, separation, parental authority,…

In concrete terms, we are capable to give you advice in the following domains :


Since the reform of 2007, divorce law has changed profoundly : the procedures were substantially simplified, the terms were shortened and above all the fault-based divorce has disappeared. The fact remains however that the decision to introduce a divorce proceeding is never easy, namely in view of the consequences it entails, not only on a patrimonial […]

Legal cohabitation

Legal cohabitation is governed by the articles 1475 to 1479 Civil Code. Legal cohabitation refers to the situation where two people, who have made a declaration at the municipal administration of their municipality of residence, live together. This declaration offers the cohabitants a certain legal protection. The legal cohabitation is accessible to all persons who […]

Succession Law

The law of succession is the whole of legal and fiscal rules which govern the transmission of all assets and liabilities of a person at his death.

In many situations, in case of death of a close person, the succession causes conflicts of rights and interests between the heirs.

The Law firm Gaillard, Delwiche & Degouis is able to give you proper advice in this matter and help you to answer, namely, the following questions:

  • The inheritance : who are precisely the heirs? In which order will they intervene?
  • The composition of the succession: how to determinate the assets and the liabilities of the estate possessions of a deceased person ?
  • Hereditary option: should the succession be accepted, renounced or accepted under benefit of inventory?
  • The inheritance taxes : which percentage will be applied ?
    Youth law
  • Parental authority
  • Hosting – parental contribution – Non-recurring expenditures



  • Action in paternity suit
  • Action to establish paternity
  • Action to contest a recognition



Urgent and provisional measures before the Justice of the Peace (article 223 Civil Code)