Social law
Social law regroups both the rules regarding the rights and obligations of the workers towards their employer(s), being labour law, and those concerning specifically the rights and obligations of the insured under the social security, being social security law.
Taking into account the increased penalisation of the rules of social law, the criminal social law, mainly related to the penal responsibility of the employer (agents or representatives), has furthermore expanded considerably these last few years.
Labour law
As Labour law is the source of rules regulating the relation binding a worker tot his employer, everybody may be confronted with it. The Law firm Gaillard, Delwiche & Degouis accompanies both workers and employers throughout the professional collaboration : Recruitment Work permit Collaboration employed or self-employed Employment contract Remuneration Salary Split Privacy at the workplace [...]
Criminal social law
The noncompliance of the provisions of social law frequently constitute a criminal offence for which there is both a risk of payment of administrative or criminal fines, as well as penalties of incarceration for the most serious offences. A growing number of regulations is subject to criminal prosecution, and in particular those concerning : the temporary employment and the outsourcing of workers the undeclared […]
Social Security Law
A first aspect of Social Security law is related to the conditions under which a person is entitled to benefits guaranteed by the Belgian system of social security : Unemployment benefits Compensation in case of an accident at work or occupational diseases Financial compensation in case of accident and illness during the private life Retirement and survival pension A second […]
- Martine Gaillard
- Emmanuelle Delwiche
- Pierre Degouis
- Laurie Lanckmans
- Catherine Nepper
- Julie Demoulin
- Joséphine Lemaire
- Louise Delwiche
- Astérie Mabenga
Domaines de spécialisation